Monday 18 March 2013


All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Otto Orondaam in the face of despair has remained tenacious and demonstrated bravery in doing something to positively influence society. Makoko is one of the slums in Lagos state that has benefited from the Slum2school project he initiated in 2012. Read a recent testimony he shared on BB and be inspired.

"This is my first BC this year and even if I tried not 2 type and send it, my spirit says I should share Gods faithfulness.. Myself,Lade,TY and several Slum2School Volunteers were at Makoko having Bola's birthday party with our kids. And then things changed... I was scared because she already looked dead after falling of a canoe into a lagoon. A crowd rushed to the scene. Anxiously I left the event to see what was going on. Women were crying and shouting, she was already passing out hot faeces after convulsing.
I was scared not to bear the blame if she died but I felt I could do something so I grabbed her.  No health center was within and no medical expert on ground. Her teeth were glued, body was pale and hot, nostrils blocked with mucus and people pouring water on us.

At this point I knew prayers could work and I did just that... I had to reluctantly suck out some dirty mucus from her mouth while performing some CPR :]xx.. (Never done that in my life)
For over 20mins she laid dead on my legs and in fear I kept praying as I heard people crying in the background. Her mum rolled on the floor and the fear in me even doubled... Finally she choked and started opening her eyes...
I couldn't be bothered about the faeces all over me, how wet I was with water or d joy on faces of d people around but I was left in shock. I'm still in shock. What if she died? What will people had said? Maybe Bloggers would have had something to write 2nyt? Did I have to intervene? the memories are shocking but I really want to thank God... He's so faithful...
I know it sounds brave but it was just a big risk… Kindly join me 2thank God in Your prayers because he was just so awesome today. I was just a pencil in his hands..."
... Orondaam Otto...
....Thanks TeamS2S...

Otto Orondaam won "Innovator of the year (Education) Future Award" in 2012. Together with several young volunteers he has been able to provide complete educational support and scholarships to over 100 disadvantaged children in slums to several schools. He is the initiator of The Slum to School Project.


  1. Faith is unstoppable once unleashed. Nice one.

  2. Wow, awesome and this is so inspiring.
